My Digital Marketing Workflow

My Digital Marketing Workflow

I love working in the digital marketing arena. 

Every day is different than the last because each day brings about new challenges and opportunities. You can work on many different facets of digital marketing including SEO, social media management, content development, etc. 

That said, I’m going to share in this post how I handle the five main components of my digital marketing workflow.

Brainstorming and Research

All successful content and digital campaigns have one thing in common: the need to generate useful, interesting, and actionable ideas. Some of the best ideas can come out of brainstorming sessions or deep research work, which are usually pretty chaotic. 

Researching and brainstorming will probably be the most time-consuming part of coming up with content ideas, but it is also the most important. Without this stage, you're simply winging it and need to rely on your previous knowledge and think of new topics on the fly. 

Brainstorming is a great way to find out what you can potentially do for a project or content campaign. It is easier to start with big ambitions and then whittle down your ideas to a specific path to achieve your marketing goals. For starters, try asking the following question: "If you could change one thing about [your industry], what would it be?" 

In my case, I usually do my research by:

  • Checking on Google Trends and my RSS Feeds for any new information that's relevant to the industry
  • Check on what our competitors are doing
  • Check on global counterparts on what they're releasing on their social media channels

and a whole lot more!

When writing blog topics for SEO optimization, I usually go with what people are searching for at and Ahrefs.

Once I have my ideas in place, sometimes in Google Keep or my Notion Swipe File, that's when I move to the second phase of my work -- writing.


Copywriting is one of the most important elements of a business’s success story. It can make or break sales, so you need to know how to write copy that sells. Today, there are so many great pieces of content being published online that it makes it hard for a lot of the mediocre content to stand out. 

Good writing skills and an engaging copy are a must, especially for paid campaigns. You don't want to waste precious ad budget on an ineffective copy. 

Generally, when I'm writing copy, I follow the AIDA framework. AIDA is a marketing concept for copywriting which you've most likely come across even if you haven't heard of it by name. It stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. It's a pre-defined sales messaging framework so you know exactly what to say in your sales copy to grab the attention of the reader, then keep their interest before making them want to take action and buy from you. 

Once you've familiarized yourself with the industry you're writing content for, you'll be able to come up with the formula for a copy that works for your target market. In my case, it took me at least a year to create a formula for the business I'm in and I'm just optimizing and making adjustments when needed.

Creating Assets

Creating interesting and templated artworks for your brand is important if you want to engage new customers and boost sales. But it might be a bit complicated and take a lot of your time to do this initially. There is a huge variety of graphics and templates, so it takes some time to test and modify them. But trust me, once you nailed everything down to a T, it makes creating assets for your copy easier and faster.

Whether be it a static image, GIF, or any website collateral, I create ours on Canva. With Canva, it's easy to collaborate and share the templates with my team. For videos, I go for Filmora and iMovie. 

It takes me around half a day to complete a whole pack of assets for a campaign and previously, at least a day or two for a whole month's worth of social media content.

Content Distribution

Content distribution is a process through which content gets published and distributed to different channels. These channels include all sources where the content can be published such as social media, e-mail newsletters, paid campaigns, blogs, or websites. 

In our case, these channels are categorized into three groups: Owned, Earned, and Paid. The ultimate goal is for end-users to find your content in the most efficient manner.

For Owned content, I schedule the content in our scheduling platforms for social media and newsletters. I also input the blog content and other assets on our website.

For Earned content, our team is always on the lookout for customer feedback and posts that tag our brand. For influencers we seed to, I repost or reshare their content which is usually part of a partnership. For the customer feedback, we ask permission from the customers first before sharing on our channels.

For Paid content, I schedule and optimize the assets and copy based on the advertising platform we will promote on which usually includes Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, and Viber Ads. I'm also counting our email newsletters as Paid content since we pay for the service.

Analysis and Reporting

We have a lot of goals for our marketing, from gaining leads to increasing sales or from encouraging users to visit our website. Whatever the goal is, we have targets to reach and we need to analyze and report on them to get better results.

To analyze and report on your Key Performance Indicator (KPI), you need to find out how your data changes compared with other metrics. Because this will show if you are moving toward the goal or not, and if not you should change what is causing that behavior (either increasing or decreasing), because something will always happen.

In my position, I have different data sources and an evolving database in our Google Sheets with a lot of KPIs inside but a majority of it all is focused on sales and revenue generated. It’s important to analyze and report these numbers so I know which direction I have to work on for the next round of campaigns.

Good and well-analyzed reports can help you keep your company or brand informed on what works and what does not as it's important to let them in on the progress of your marketing goals.

So there you have it, my digital marketing workflow. Once you get the hang of it, your workflow will make sense and become second nature. Just like when you cook a meal, at first the recipe feels like a bunch of instructions thrown at you, but over time you understand why each step is important.

I hope you learned a thing or two from this blog post that you can apply to your own digital marketing workflows!



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